It’s that time of the year again. Spring is coming to an end, the days are getting longer and summer is slowly approaching. All of this means that our closets are overflowing with clothes because shorts, tank tops, and summer dresses are getting out. We’re desperately trying to find space for our summer clothes and shoes. While it’s probably very tempting to toss everything else into a bin and put in the attic or further away in the closet, we’ve got some good reasons not to. Storing winter clothing properly helps your clothes last longer if done properly. Read on and learn how to avoid the most common mistakes when it comes to storing half of your wardrobe for six months.
When your clothes are stored away in boxes for a couple of months at a time, there are several things which can do them harm. For example, moths can create nasty little holes in your favorite sweater. Excessive moisture can cause them to smell horrible, and sometimes that smell simply can’t be washed away. Too much light can fade away the colors. Take a little bit extra time to think about the way you’re storing winter clothing, even when you’re packing for a move. Proper preparation can save them!
Proper storage can save vivid colors on your winter clothing.
Everybody knows you’re not going to wear that sweater or hoodie for the next few months. So why bother washing it? You’ll wash it when it’s time to wear them again, right? Wrong. Not only it will save you time later (no need for washing before you wear them!) but it also has other benefits. Stains on your clothes attract moths and other insects who can eat their way through your clothes. Also, they will be so much harder, if not impossible, to wash later! Run a few loads of laundry before putting them in boxes – your nose will thank us later! Same goes for when you’re moving and using wardrobe moving boxes NYC – even if you’re going to wear them soon, it’s nice to know you don’t have to wash clothes as you as you’ve unpacked them.
Plastic bins can do just fine for this occasion, but you still need to choose proper storage containers for your clothes. For example, if you’ve chosen to go down this road, choose an opaque rather than clear containers and bins. This ensures that less light gets to your clothes and that they won’t get discolored. Of course, if you’re storing them in a darker place, clear ones will do just fine, especially because you could easily see what’s inside. Think about the size of the containers you might need. You shouldn’t overstuff them, because your sweaters will be squished and will lose shape. Make sure all your winter clothes have got enough room to breathe, otherwise moisture will build up.
If you’re tight on storage space when packing clothes, vacuum sealed storage bags are the solution for you. You won’t believe how much can actually fit in them, and how little space they need after you suck all the air out! Storing bulky winter clothing such as puffy jackets and snowsuits is much easier when you’ve got these bags. Once stuffed, vacuum bags can easily fit under your bed. Throw in some humidity bags and lavender sachets in there, to keep moisture and moths away, and you’re good to go for the summer!
Snow, dirt, and salt which you haven’t washed from your shoes can easily damage them. Wipe them down and dry them before storing them away. One more tip we’ve got for you is this: sprinkle a bit of baking soda in each boot or shoe – it will help absorb any odors and prevent them from spreading. Also, after giving your boots a good clean, it’s a good idea to apply a layer of shoe wax on them and let them sit for a few days. This will ensure they look just as new for the next season! Stuff each shoe with old newspaper to help them retain their shape. This goes especially for tall boots, which you should store in a separate box or somewhere upright.
Don’t forget to clean your boots before storing them.
Once you’re done storing winter clothing, and just as you think you’re done, you see a bag full of gloves, hats, and scarves. Don’t start groaning just yet – there are effective ways to store them properly as well!
Tie your scarves on towel racks so they don’t get tangled.
In a few months, when temperatures drop and you’re frantically searching for your favorite sweater, you’ll thank us. Take a little extra time now and store winter clothing properly, and they will last you a long time! Even during your moving process, your Bronx movers will advise you to do the same when you’re packing everything in boxes. You may not unpack them right away and you don’t want them to get stale while stored. Good luck and let’s get packing!