The moving process can be quite costly, to be honest. It does depend on the number of things that you have to move but the fact of the matter is that the truck, the staff, and the transport costs. It is no wonder that people resort to many things in order to save some money for their relocation. But let’s say that you have already chosen your movers NYC and that you are not looking to save on moving expenses. So how can you save money then? Well, with these pre-move cleaning tips, you might save some indeed!
There are many tips that we can give you but we feel that these are the most important ones. Cleaning the closet, selling unwanted items and disposing of hazardous things is something that every homeowner needs to do at some point.
Declutter and get rid of unnecessary items before you start cleaning!
We keep items that we are not using regularly in our closets. Which means that we will not dearly miss most of these items. Start your cleaning with the closet because you will be doing multiple things at once. You will be both cleaning and assessing the items for use down the line. This is a tip that any of the movers in Middle Village NY will tell you! If you can, place the items you pull out of the closet in several piles, in order of “I really need this” to “I can definitely live without this”. Create as many piles as you are comfortable with.
Your furniture and kitchen items are not all going to your new home, are they? You can save some money by either not cleaning them and donating them to someone, or selling them outright. In both cases, you should really clean these items at least a bit. Ideally, more than a bit really. Selling these items might create an influx of resources for your relocation. While you are not technically saving any money by selling these items, you are creating more money for your moving budget, which will save the money that you already have in there! Simple, right, who would have thought?!
You can donate furniture and kitchen elements or organize a yard sale and sell these items too.
Hazardous items are really expensive to move. They require special conditions, oftentimes special moving trucks. And in some times you can’t move them at all. It’s illegal. The best thing to do is to get rid of them in an orderly fashion. Ask your movers about the ways that you can safely dispose of such items. There are specific regulations in each state so check with your government, as well. This will definitely save you some money as you will not need to pay extra to transport these hazardous items. However, if the value of such items exceeds the savings then you need to act accordingly.