How to prepare your children for moving day?

So, you are about to move. But, this time it won’t be the only one that has to relocate. No. Now you have kids. And as we all already know – moving with kids makes things even more complicated. Even if it all has started as a simple household relocation. Why is that? Well, the answer is pretty simple. Moving is hard. And complicated. Because moving is a process that has many layers to it. And when it comes to moving with kids, things can get much more complex. Why? Well, this time your relocation won’t be that simple. This time you will have to prepare your children for moving day. And that is why we are here today. To make this whole process easier on you!

A good start is a must when moving with kids

You need to prepare your children for moving day. But, before you can do that, you need to prepare everything else. And that means starting on time and planning everything two steps ahead. Time is a luxury when moving, and we all know it. That is why you need to use yours wisely. Start preparing for your upcoming move as soon as you realize that you are going to change your home address. Get a pen and some paper. Start writing things down. This way you will avoid confusion, and even more importantly – you won’t forget important things that need to be done. Moving mistakes can cost you a lot. Time, energy and money. And that means only one thing – you need to play it smart.

Do your own research

Finding a reliable mover you can trust to isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are many moving companies on the market. More than you can imagine. And, are they all good? Are they all good fit? No. You need to find yourself a professional mover that can satisfy all your moving needs. And if you do find yourself such a mover – you will prepare your children for moving day with ease. And the little ones are what matters.

Ask for references or look for a mover online

Yes. You have more options than these two, but we advise you to find yourself a mover this way. Why’ Well, you can’t really trust everything you see on your TV or in ads. That is why you need to play it smart. People move around a lot. And that means that you know someone who knows someone who has the right mover for you – for sure. No doubt in it. On the other hand, if this option sounds more than time-consuming, and you need to find yourself a mover and fast – open your laptop and start looking for a mover online. Make sure you keep an eye opened at all times and explore every angle. This way you will stay away from moving scams and problems – and that will save you a lot of time. Not to mention – money.

It’s time to prepare your children for moving day

And it will take some time. Your kids can’t understand why you are moving. Even if we are talking about teenagers. They won’t be happy once you announce that you are moving house. And especially if you are planning on moving long distance. Leaving their old school and childhood friends won’t be easy on them. And that is precisely why you need to prepare your children for moving day. Give them enough time and space to adjust to this big change in their life.

Talking to your kids is what helps the most

And especially in these kinds of situations. Your kids won’t give in easily. But if you stay patient and explain everything to them – they will come to realize that moving house isn’t as bad as it seems at first. Organize a big family meeting, explain your situation and give your kids time and space to speak their mind. Listen to their opinions.  Let them know everything that they need to. Why are you moving? When and where? Are they going to change schools? How is it all going to affect their social lives? Listening, but really listening to your little ones is what will help you prepare your children for moving day. It really works. Every time.

prepare your children for moving day by letting them enjoy the process

It’s time to enjoy the process!

Organize a big get-together party for your kids and their friends

Yes. You will have to make your kids happy. Or you’ll just make them sad. And that is definitely something you will want to avoid at all costs. That is why you need to be patient when trying to prepare your children for moving day. Kids running around your house while you are packing? Well, it doesn’t sound like a good idea. But, it actually might be. It will help your kids relax. Because moving house won’t be only hard to understand for them. It will actually be pretty hard. And stressful. Remember, your kids don’t know as much as you do. And they can try, but they can’t always understand things grown-ups are doing. That is why you need to meet them halfway. Let them know they matter. And that things won’t be horrible once they move. No. They can still stay in touch with their friends. If they want – they can make summer vacation plans. Make a compromise or two. It will all pay off in the end.

Kid and a mother.

Give your kids all the attention they might need.

Let them participate

Don’t do everything on your own. Let your kids pack their room. Listen to their advice. Let them label your boxes. They can handle small tasks. And even more importantly – they will feel like a big and important part of the family. And they are just that. You just need to remind them of that.

We wish you and your kids luck! And even more importantly – we hope that we have helped you prepare your children for moving day!

A box.

If your kids want to help – well, why not?